Medical grade
Clearlight Infrared YOGA Sauna

10 Pack $330
What exactly is Infrared heat? We have all experienced the following: It’s a partly cloudy day and you are outside and it feels cool. All of a sudden the clouds move out of the way of the sun and a rush of warmth comes over you. This warm feeling is the far infrared band of sunlight warming your body.
The far infrared band is part of the sun’s invisible spectrum of light. This band of light has the ability to penetrate our skin and warm our body directly. The far infrared heat produced by your Clearlight Sauna is totally safe as there are none of the harmful rays of sunlight produced by our heaters, just natural healing heat. In fact, this heat is so safe that is it used in hospitals to keep newborns warm.
Infrared rays are the healthiest, penetrate into your skin deeply and they dissolve harmful substances accumulated in your body. The Infrared Rays vitalize your cells and metabolism.
In an infrared sauna, the quality of the infrared heat is the most important factor in determining the benefits you will receive from that sauna. By combining carbon fibers and a ceramic compound in one heater, we have brought together the best of both worlds to give you the highest quality infrared heat imaginable.
The sauna models you see on our website have been in production since 2000 – they are tried and true. We believe our success comes from our combination of exceptional quality construction and the highest quality infrared heat specifically tuned to your body.
Far Infrared Heat therapy uses the wavelength of the visible and non-visible light spectrum of sunlight that heats the body normally.
Far infrared waves penetrate deep into our body for a deep heating action which allows for the body to activate the sweat glands. The sweat glands offer one of only a few mechanisms that the body has to eliminate toxins and since the skin is the largest organ in the human body it is apparently a very good means for elimination.
When far infrared waves are applied to water molecules (comprising 70% of our body) these molecules begin to vibrate. This vibration reduces the ion bonds and the eventual breakdown of the water molecules causes encapsulated gases and other toxic materials to be released.
Traditional saunas raise the temperature of the air to a very high level within the chamber to warm the body. When you are sitting in a traditional sauna, you are sitting in a hot room; 80°C -105°C degrees. Some people have difficulty breathing in this extremely warm air.Far infrared saunas work differently. Instead of heating the air within the enclosure, far infrared saunas heat the body directly. In your Clearlight Far Infrared Sauna only about 20% of the heat goes to heat the air and the other 80% directly heats your body. The result is deeper tissue penetration.
The radiant heat can penetrate deep below the skin producing a gentle warming inside the body. The warming effect on your body stimulates your cardiovascular system, your immune system and your lymphatic system. Your body’s response to that is to sweat. In the far infrared sauna, the body perspires and receives all of the healthy benefits but avoids the harmful and extremely hot air of a traditional steam sauna.
Infrared saunas leave you feeling invigorated, not depleted like conventional saunas.
Yes! Infrared heat is all around us. Infrared heat is very safe and not at all like the heat produced by microwaves. The photo below shows that all things give off and receive infrared heat. This image was taken with a camera that takes a regular photograph and an infrared image of the subjects at the exact same time.
Do you want to experience far infrared heat right now? Take you hands and put your palms together. Move your hands about 1/2 an inch apart. You will feel warmth emanating from your palms. This is far infrared heat very similar to the infrared heat emitted from our True Wave II heaters. Radiant far infrared is all around us and is essential for human life.
One of the keys to infrared therapy is warming your body core. This is achieved by concentrating the infrared heat on your back and directing the infrared heat to your front core. The heaters in your Clearlight Sauna are placed strategically to warm your body core and raise your core body temperature.
The back wall heaters run the full length of your back and are 15cm wide. The front heaters are place such that they direct the heat to your front core. They are very effective at heating your body core and helping your body detox.
Traditional saunas raise the temperature of the air to a very high level within the chamber to warm the body. When you are sitting in a traditional sauna, you are sitting in a hot room; 80°C -105°C degrees. Some people have difficulty breathing in this extremely warm air.Far infrared saunas work differently. Instead of heating the air within the enclosure, far infrared saunas heat the body directly. In your Clearlight Far Infrared Sauna only about 20% of the heat goes to heat the air and the other 80% directly heats your body. The result is deeper tissue penetration.
Clearlight Infrared Saunas use Far Infrared energy to penetrate the body’s tissue. The far infrared rays consist of similar wavelengths as that which is emitted naturally by the human body. This is one potential explanation of why many feel energetically rejuvenated and balanced from contact with far infrared waves. It is also believed that far infrared waves help improve blood circulation and recovery from fatigue.Tests have shown that the energy output is tuned so closely to the body’s own radiant energy that our bodies absorb as much as 93% of the far infrared waves that reach our skin.
The efficacy of far infrared waves is very broad and the subject of recent study by NASA. Among the infrared waves, the far infrared rays, which have a wavelength of 8-14 microns, are especially good for the human body. These waves have the potential to penetrate 1.5 to 2 inches or more into the body allowing for deep heat and raising your core body temperature from deep inside. The deep heat and far infrared is why scholars believe that the Ondol (traditional warm floor of Korea) is good for health because the materials for the Ondol are stone and earth both of which radiate far infrared waves when heated.
Sunlight is a combination of visible light and invisible light. The seven colors of the rainbow are visible lights, and infrared rays and ultraviolet rays are invisible lights. Infrared rays are one Of the sun's rays, Infrared rays are the healthiest, penetrate into your skin deeply and they dissolve harmful substances accumulated in your body. The infrared rays vitalize your cells and metabolism.
Far infrared waves penetrate into our body to activate the sweat glands. The sweat glands offer one of only a few mechanisms that the body has to eliminate toxins and since the skin is the largest organ in the human body it is apparently a very good means for elimination. Bring the benefits of an infrared sauna into your home with a new Jacuzzi® infrared sauna. When far infrared waves are applied to water molecules (comprising 70% Of our body) these molecules begin to vibrate. This vibration reduces the ion bonds and the eventual breakdown of the water molecules causes encapsulated gasses and other toxic materials to be released.
Full spectrum refers to the entire infrared spectrum: near infrared, mid infrared and far infrared. With the addition of near and mid infrared, you will get the maximum benefit from your Jacuzzi® sauna.
Near Infrared is the shortest wavelength, and will be absorbed just below the surface Of the skin creating a sweat that promotes healing and revitalization.
Mid infrared is a longer wavelength that can penetrate deeper into the body's soft tissue increasing circulation, releasing oxygen to reach injured areas.
Far infrared is the longest wavelength which penetrates the fat cells causing vasodilation, where the fat cells vibrate to expel toxins, resulting in the greatest levels of detoxification and stimulate your metabolism to aid in weight-loss.
The sun is the primary source of radiant energy, but not all of this energy is beneficial. Although life needs energy from the sun, too much sunlight damages the skin. Infrared heat provides all the healthy benefits of natural sunlight without any of the dangerous effects Of solar radiation.
For years, the healthcare industry recommended infrared heat lamps as a source Of infrared therapy but the lamps were cumbersome, extremely hot and difficult to maintain at a constant temperature. Today, many healthcare professionals use infrared heaters to treat a variety of diseases throughout the world. Jacuzzi® infrared saunas use our state of the art True Wave heaters.
The efficacy of infrared waves is very broad and the subject of recent study by NASA. Among the infrared waves, the far infrared rays, which have a wavelength of 6-12 microns, are especially good for the human body. These waves have the potential to penetrate 1.5 to 2 inches or more into the body allowing for deep heat and raise your core body temperature from deep inside.
Tests have shown that the energy output of our True Wave"' far infrared heaters is tuned so closely to the body's own radiant energy that our bodies absorb as much as 93% Of the far infrared waves that reach our skin.
By comparison, conventional saunas must rely only on indirect means Of heat: first, on convection (air currents) and then, conduction (direct contact of hot air with the skin) to produce its heating effect. Your Jacuzzi® Infrared Sauna is best used at temperatures between 38'C to 540C versus 82'C to 105'C for traditional hot-air saunas. Since conventional saunas require 30 to 90 minutes of warm-up before use, electricity costs are reported to be a lot higher than those Of Jacuzzi® Infrared Saunas which are ready to use in 10-15 minutes.
Yes! Infrared heat is all around us. This photo below shows everything emits and receives infrared heat. This image was taken with a camera that takes a regular photograph and an infrared image of the subjects at the exact same time.
The human body emits and receives infrared heat in the far infrared band. Other surfaces, like a warm street or heated vending cart, give off infrared in the middle and near infrared band.
Do you want to experience far infrared heat right now? Take you hands and put your palms together. Move your hands about 1 cm apart. You will feel warmth emanating from your palms. This is far infrared heat very similar to the infrared heat emitted from our True Wave heaters. Radiant far infrared is all around us and is essential for human life.
Jacuzzi® infrared saunas use low-EMF True Wave"" Carbon/ceramic heaters that produce invisible, far infrared heat. This is the same type of heat as produced by the sun and our bodies. Infrared heat is very safe and not at all like the heat produced by microwaves. In an infrared sauna, only 20 percent of the energy is used to heat the air, leaving the rest Of the energy to heat the body. The radiant heat can penetrate deep below the skin producing a gentle warming inside the body.
The temperature inside an infrared sauna is adjustable and averages a comfortable 380C to 55'C. These lower temperatures allow you to sweat faster and to tolerate a longer sauna session offering greater therapeutic benefit. Typical sessions last 20 to 45 minutes and can be repeated once or twice during the day to maximize the benefits. Infrared saunas leave you feeling invigorated, not depleted like conventional saunas.
Infrared heaters warm the body in the same manner as natural sunlight. Infrared heat therapy uses the wavelength of the visible and non-visible light spectrum of sunlight that heats the body normally. Traditional saunas raise the temperature of the air to a very high level within the chamber to warm the body. Some people have difficulty breathing in this extremely warm air. Infrared saunas work differently. Instead of heating the air within the enclosure, infrared saunas heat the body directly. The result is deeper tissue penetration. In an infrared sauna, the body perspires and receives all of the healthy benefits but avoids the harmf and extremely hot air Of a traditional steam sauna.